Firstly , JEE Advanced is the second phase of the IIT JEE exam, which is administered by one of the seven IITs for admission to undergraduate courses. Admissions to prestigious institutions such as the NITs, IIITs and CFTIs, are also based on JEE Advanced scores. Also, from the year 2019 onwards, the IIT JAB (Joint Admission Board) has announced an online mode of examination. To find the JEE Advance 2022 syllabus and exam format , read the following blog.

Exam Pattern for JEE Advanced 2022
Presently, the examination authorities do not have a pre – determined JEE Advanced Exam Pattern. However, certain highlights on the JEE Advanced 2022 exam format have been listed below based on previous year examinations. Besides, in the JEE Advance 2022 instructions, candidates will be informed about negative marking (if any) at the time of the examination.
At the time of the examination, students have the choice of choosing their preferred medium, either English or Hindi. They can also switch between the languages . Candidates must appear for both Paper 1 and Paper 2 . As a result, if they do not appear in either, they will be termed missing from JEE Advance 2022.
Computer Based Test (CBT) is the type of examination used presently.
Sections in each Question Paper are Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics correspondingly.
Number of Question Papers – Paper 1 and Paper 2.
Exam time: Paper 1 and Paper 2 each take three hours.
Hindi and English are the examination languages.
Following is the Marking criteria for paper 1
Section Question Type Marks awarded for a correct response Negative Marking
1) Multiple Choice Question with only 1 correct answer: +3 for correct answer and -1 for incorrect answer.
2) Multiple Choice Question with more than 1 correct answer: +4 for correct answer and -1 for incorrect answer.
3) Numerical Value answers- based questions: +3 for correct answer and 0 for incorrect answer.
Following is the Marking criteria for paper 2
Section Question Type Marks awarded for a correct response Negative Marking
1) Multiple Choice Question with more than 1 correct answer +4 for correct answer and -1 for incorrect answer.
2) Numerical Value answers based questions +3 for correct answer and 0 for incorrect answer.
3) List Match type Questions +3 for correct answer and -1 for incorrect answer.
Furthermore, the JEE Advanced Paper Analysis provides us with a clear understanding of the exam. It’s also advised to note the number of questions asked as the JEE Advanced exam format change year to year. In addition, each question paper will be divided into three sections: physics, chemistry, and math. Indeed, the primary goal of the questions will be to assess candidates’ comprehension, reasoning, and analytical abilities. Point often overlooked is ,negative marks are given to students who answer some of the questions incorrectly.
So, the JEE Advance 2022 syllabus has been posted on the official website of the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay. In like manner, candidates will receive a full JEE Advance syllabus in pdf format for all three courses, Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics. The best books for JEE Advance 2022 are also listed below, as recommended by previous year’s toppers and subject experts. Applicants can also check crucial topics and chapters using the JEE Advance 2022 curriculum.
To begin with, the JEE Advance 2022 syllabus has been revealed by IIT Kharagpur. Further, the JEE Advance 2022 syllabus will be divided into three sections, each of which will be divided into numerous units. The following are the components listed .
JEE Advance 2022 Mathematics Syllabus
As a matter of fact ,the course covers numerical and practical topics. However, don’t neglect the theoretical component of the concepts if you want to build conceptual clarity.
Complex Numbers
Quadratic Equations
Sequence and Series
Permutation and Combination
Binomial Theorem
Matrices and Determinants
Trigonometric Functions Inverse Trigonometric Functions
Analytical Geometry
3-D geometry
Conic Section
Straight Lines
Differential Calculus
Functions Limits and Continuity
Integral Calculus
Application of Integration
Differential Equations
Addition of vectors, scalar multiplication, dot and cross products, scalar triple products and their geometrical interpretations.
JEE Advance 2022 Physics Syllabus
Because many students regard the JEE Advanced physics subject as challenging and extensive, it is critical to establish a thorough knowledge of concepts from the start. After you’ve mastered the fundamentals, then you can go on to more sophisticated topics. Furthermore, solving problems give a strong conceptual foundation as well as a broad understanding of its applications.
General Physics
Units and Dimensions
Experimental Analysis
Newton’s laws of motion
Systems of particles
Inertia and Momentum
Harmonic motions
The pressure in a fluid
Thermal Physics
Electricity and Magnetism
Electric Fields
Electric current
Magnetic Fields
Electromagnetic Induction
Reflection and Refraction
Wave nature of light
Modern Physics
Atomic nucleus
JEE Advance 2022 Chemistry Syllabus
Physical Chemistry:
General topics
Liquid and Gaseous States
Atomic Structure and Chemical Bonding
Chemical Equilibrium
Chemical Kinetics
Solid State
Nuclear chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry
Isolation/preparation and properties of the non-metals
Preparation and properties of the compounds
Transition elements (3d series)
Preparation and properties of the following compounds : Oxides and chlorides
Ores and minerals
Reduction Methods
Organic Chemistry
Basic Concepts
Preparation, properties, and reactions of Alkenes and Alkynes
Properties, Preparation, and reactions of Alkanes
Reactions of Phenol and Benzene
Characteristic Reactions
Practical Organic Chemistry
Lastly, chemistry in IIT JEE is mostly about understanding and comprehending topics. Instead of focusing just on objective issues, students should focus on grasping the concepts. To conclude, the examination questions are frequently a combination of numerous topics to measure students’ intellectual clarity. After all, you can take free mock tests!