JEE Mains 2022 syllabus and official notification will be posted by NTA at So, candidates can schedule their study plan and JEE Mains 2022 preparation using the JEE Mains syllabus 2022 . You can also, check the official JEE test pattern and JEE Mains syllabus 2022. Point often overlooked is that the syllabus for JEE Main 2022 is identical to that of previous JEE Main sessions.
The major syllabus for the joint entrance exam is indeed extensive. Since it covers practically all of the topics in all three disciplines. And also for all three papers of the JEE main test, we have produced a comprehensive overview of the JEE main curriculum 2022. This contains the importance of numerous significant topics as well as the study plan for these topics. As a result, these topics will assist a student in achieving a high score on the JEE main 2022 test.
JEE Mains 2022 Syllabus for B.Tech(Paper 1)
Syllabus For Mathematics

It is one of the three elements of the JEE Mains paper that is most crucial. Since, the top rankings are determined in this section. Because this section is entirely skills-based, and there is no theory in this section. Many questions about higher-order skills are also asked in this section. However, if your practice and principles are solid, you can get away with skipping this part.
To save time, it is advised to attempt the questions using short techniques. Many lecturers and top students believe that you can achieve full points here. The mathematics syllabus for JEE mains 2022 is listed below.
1.Matrices and determinants
2.Sets, relations and functions
3.Mathematical induction
4.Permutations and combinations
5.Mathematical reasoning
6.Limit, continuity and differentiability
7.Integral calculus
8.Three-dimensional geometry
9.Differential equations
10.Binomial theorem and its simple applications
11.Sequence and Series
12.Vector algebra
13.Statistics and probability
15.Co-ordinate geometry
Higher weightage topics:
Coordinate Geometry is a difficult component, however scoring portion concepts must be used appropriately. Because, nearly 3-4 questions from this area appear in the JEE main paper.
Complex Numbers is a simple section of the article with a good weighting. Although the topic is broad, the questions posed by it are not difficult. Additionally, this part will consist of two questions. The portion about complex numbers should be understood because it is useful in various other units as well.
Calculus is the most significantly labelled portion of the paper from a paper standpoint. Surely , it covers subjects like as differentiation, integration, and limits, among others. This is a mediocre topic, but in order to pass this section, you must practice and employ brief tactics. Moreover ,this topic has approximately 6-7 questions
Trigonometry is a subject that isn’t always immediately addressed in the exam. However, it is useful in resolving other issues such as integration, limits, and so on. Students can expect additionally,1-2 questions from this section if asked directly. Although, this is a simple and significant topic in general.
Sequence and series basically, generates a good number of problems in the paper. Because this topic is so broad, it includes topics such as AP, GP, and HP. So ,students can expect 3-4 hours of instruction.
JEE Mains Syllabus For Physics

Firstly, almost every component of physics is covered in the JEE main syllabus 2020. Including electricity, magnetism, communication, optics, harmonics, and so on. There are both numerical and conceptual questions in this section of the article. Students should remember the formulas because it is impossible to solve numerical physics questions without them.
1.Physics and measurement
2.Rotational motion
5.Work, energy and power
6.Properties of solids and liquids
8.Laws of motion
9.Oscillations and waves
10.Electronic devices
11.Kinetic theory of gases
12.Current electricity
13.Communication systems
14.Electromagnetic induction and alternating currents
15.Magnetic effects of current and magnetism
17.Electromagnetic waves
18.Atoms and nuclei
20.Dual nature of matter and radiation
21.Experimental Skills
Higher weightage topics:
Optics has significantly higher amount of weight in the physics part of the article. Thus, you can get points in this unit by answering both theoretical as-well-as numerical problems. This course may also offer very high-level questions. Which in addition, demand a strong conceptual understanding to answer. This section especially will likely contain 4-5 questions.
Heat and Thermodynamics is considered a simple section of the JEE main paper, so it can be scored quickly. The numerical questions aren’t too difficult, and also, the weighting is adequate.
Electrodynamics and electrostatics together make up the majority of the JEE physics syllabus. In addition, inquiries on this subject are almost all numerical. Therefore ,to answer these questions, you’ll need a thorough understanding of concepts like potential and charge.
Modern Physics is a simple portion in which there are mostly theoretical questions.
Syllabus For Chemistry
It is the simplest section of the entire paper. So, the candidate should endeavour to complete this segment in the shortest amount of time possible. Moreover this has the potential to greatly increase the total score. The questions are largely conceptual, however some themes include numerical problems that aren’t too difficult. Inorganic, organic, and physical chemistry are the three areas of the chemistry syllabus for JEE main 2020. And while the weighting of all three parts is nearly equal, organic chemistry has a higher weighting than the other two.

Physical Chemistry
1.Some basic concepts in chemistry
2.States of matter
3.Atomic structure
4.Chemical bonding and molecular structure
5.Chemical thermodynamics
8.Redox reactions and electrochemistry
9.Chemical kinetics
10.Surface chemistry
Organic Chemistry
1.Purification and characterization of organic compounds
3.Chemistry in everyday life
4.Principles related to practical chemistry
5.Organic compounds containing halogens, oxygen and nitrogen
7.Some basic principles of organic chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry
1.Classification of elements and periodicity in properties
3.Block elements (alkali and alkaline earth metals)
4.P Block elements group 13 to group 18 elements
5.d- and f – block elements
6.Co-ordination compounds
7.Environmental chemistry
8.General principles and processes of isolation of metals
Higher weightage topics:
Carbohydrates and Amino Acids section of organic chemistry focuses on reactions and techniques. The reactions are connected to the family of carbon and nitrogen. This segment’s questions are largely reaction-based, and there should be 3-4 questions in this section.
Inorganic chemistry includes transition elements and coordination chemistry, and also the majority of the questions in this section are fact-based. However this section deals with periodic table facts, which is the simplest part.
Chemical Bonding and Atomic Structure can expect numerical problems from this chapter. In contrast , with a low difficulty level .
JEE Mains Syllabus For B.Arch( PAPER 2)
Drawing test syllabus in JEE mains paper 2:
- Transformation of forms and objects from 2D and 3D union
- Generation of plan
- Creating 2 dimensional and 3 dimensional compositions using given forms and shapes.
- Sketching of activities from memory of urban scenes
- Elevation of 3 dimensional views of objects after rotation
- Development of surface and volumes
Aptitude Section Syllabus for B.Arch and B.Plan Paper has 3 parts:
Part 1
- Awareness of :places, person, buildings, materials, objects, texture related to architecture and building-environment.
- Visualizing three dimensional objects- sides and views.
- Analytical reasoning for mental ability .
Part 2
- Three dimensional perception: understanding and appreciation of proportion and scale of objects, building forms and elements, colour, texture etc.
- Design and drawing of geometrical or abstract shapes or pattern in pencil.
- Transformation of forms for 2 and 3 dimensional union, rotation, subtraction, development of surface and volumes.
- Generation of plan, elevation, 3D view of object.
- Sketch of scenes and activities from memory of urban scenes.
- Creating 2 dimensional and 3 dimensional compositions using given forms and shapes.
Part 3
- General knowledge of development issues and government programs/schemes.
- Simple statistics, comprehension, critical thinking, and analytical skills, graphs, charts, and map reading skills, CBSE class X Social Sciences topics.